Employee Assessments

Employee Assessments

Employee assessments are crucial for making effective hiring decisions, offering a clear and objective way to evaluate candidates beyond resumes and interviews. They help identify skills, strengths, and traits that align with your agency's needs, reducing hiring mistakes and improving retention. Assessments also ensure fairness and consistency, helping to build a capable, engaged, and diverse workforce. By using them, businesses set the stage for long-term success.

Caliper Personality Testing

For over 30 years, Caliper has helped Big I members match people goals to business goals. Caliper is able to maximize your ability to achieve business results by delivering initiatives that help you to select, manage and develop people and understand the gaps between where you are and where you want to be. Big "I" members receive exclusive discount pricing on the premier personality testing product in the industry.
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Sales Call Reluctance Testing

Sales Call Reluctance Testing can help you with your hired agents who have great potential for selling, but once hired, seem to sell fewer policies than you need. This testing opportunity is the only assessment in the world that measures for Sales Call Reluctance, which shows you how much your candidates will sell, how soon they'll start selling, and how difficult/easy it will be to coach and train them.

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