What is a political action committee?
Business membership organizations like IIANC set up a political action committee (PAC) so members can make one personal contribution that supports every candidate aligned on that industry’s key issues.
PACs have been around for many years, and are the most efficient and effective way for IIANC participate in the electoral process on behalf of our members.
How does the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina political action committee (iPAC) work?
Coupled with the legislative presence of IIANC’s lobbyist and personal relationships between individual IIANC members and key elected officials, iPAC is an important third column supporting IIANC’s advocacy efforts.
iPAC makes possible campaign support for state legislative candidates of both parties who are aligned on issues important to the independent insurance agency business model.
Decisions on which candidates receive a contribution from iPAC are made by your fellow IIANC members serving on the Governmental Affairs Committee, in consultation with IIANC’s lobbyist.
Candidates are evaluated on their voting record and stated position on issues; consideration is also given for state legislators serving on committees and/or serving in a leadership role in the NC General Assembly.
And, iPAC supports independent agents running for the state legislature.
Why should you support iPAC?
Supporting iPAC shows you support your profession, that you are committed to helping ensure you and other independent agents can prosper now and in the future.
Whatever your personal political, ideological or partisan disposition, it’s simply true that to be an effective advocate on your behalf, IIANC must have strong relationships with every elected state official who supports laws and regulations that are favorable to the independent insurance agency business.
Under state election law, a political action committee can only accept contributions made with personal funds, so iPAC depends entirely on support from our individual members – no company or corporate funds are allowed.
Truly, it’s personal contributions from IIANC members like you that makes iPAC strong and effective.
What’s the right amount to contribute to iPAC?
The maximum contribution allowed under state law is $6,400, but iPAC is appreciative of support at any level.
iPAC contributions generally range from the Granite Level at $1,000 to $120 for Supporters (this is the contribution level of many Young Agents).
To make it easier for IIANC members to support iPAC, we offer the option of making your contribution in equal monthly installments using a personal credit card.
And, you can set up your iPAC contribution to be recurring, so your support automatically renews each year.
For example, a $500 Dogwood Level contribution is just $42 per month, a $250 Pine Level contribution just $21, and $180 Cardinal Level just $15.
Every iPAC contributor of $120 or more (just $10 per month) receives a special hot/cold beverage tumbler to show everyone they are a Leader of the PAC!
To learn more about iPAC, contact Joe Stewart, IIANC Vice President of Governmental Affairs, at jstewart@iianc.com or 919-614-0520.

The award-winning IIANC Governmental Affairs program is funded in the organization’s overall budget, but from time-to-time public policy issues arise that call for swift action – and for which there are not budgeted funds available.
Among purposes for which IIANC Action Fund resources can be used are analytical research, polling and public opinion surveys, targeted broadcast and digital communications, grassroots outreach beyond the agent community, and hosting special events and programs.
Action Fund contributions can be made with either corporate or personal funds, and there is no limit on the amount that can be contributed.