Risk Management Tools Moberg Manual

Agency Operations Errors & Omissions

Risk Management Tools

Agency Operations & Procedures Manual

After years of trying to write a manual for your office, you can now buy a complete manual and with very little time and effort customize it to fit your agency using basic word processing skills. Published by The Moberg Group (TMG), the leading provider of E&O Risk Management Services and Consulting Services, the manual was designed specifically for independent agents and brokers. Whether processing a non-premium endorsement, or the most complex reporting form policy, the easy to follow workflow make the process simple. Provided digitally, this manual is ideal for training new employees, reinforcing procedures to existing employees, and to meet the requirements of the "Rules of Evidence".

The manual includes:
  • General Agency Procedures
  • Personal Lines Work Flow & Procedures
  • Commercial Lines Work Flow & Procedures
  • Employee Benefits Procedures
  • Job Descriptions
**IIANC members enjoy special, discounted pricing of 25% off the cost of the manual.**