WIN-Women IA-Executives Network

IIANC is excited to launch a new networking opportunity to empower women in the insurance industry to lead, inspire and mentor. WIN, the Women IA-Executives Network, is a brand-new group created exclusively for women who are independent agency owners or those in an executive leadership position within the agency.
Designed BY and FOR women agency owners and executives, WIN provides the opportunity to build meaningful and mutually beneficial connections with peers, to pursue targeted professional development and to have open, honest discussions about agency management and career issues facing women…all in a safe, confidential space.
There is no cost to be part of WIN – it’s included with IIANC membership as an additional resource for professional growth and networking.
Who is eligible for WIN?
In order to join WIN, all participants must be women working in IIANC member agencies meeting at least one of the following criteria:
- Independent insurance agency owner
- Hold a senior management position/role within an independent insurance agency such as CEO, President, Vice President, COO or Managing Partner
- A spouse or partner of an independent insurance agency owner and is involved in executive level agency management and/or daily agency operations
- Acknowledged in an independent insurance agency’s perpetuation plan as a future agency owner
- Experienced, former independent insurance agency owner
- Experienced, former senior management position/role within an independent insurance agency
** If your agency is not a member of IIANC, you are invited to join us at a networking event as our guest to learn more about WIN and the many other opportunities available through IIANC membership.
Mission Statement
Provide a supportive community of women independent agency owners who encourage success, confidently navigate entrepreneurship, and advocate for the increase of females in leadership roles.
- Identify women agency owners that are active and invested in the insurance industry to build a network for peer-to-peer communication, assistance, and consulting. Elevate this network as the “go to” community for women insurance agency leaders and as a resource for any organization looking to increase the presence of a female voice in leadership roles within their organization, association, or project.
- Foster opportunities for connection and networking by hosting virtual meetings and social events.
- Provide targeted education and access to resources which will enhance understanding of technical coverage issues, new technologies and upcoming legislation and to ensure that women are at the forefront of industry developments.
- Implement a formal mentorship program that will both connect women in the industry for specific purposes or for long-term relationships and identify opportunities for women to become mentees of men in roles difficult for women to claim.
- Develop marketing campaigns, formal and casual, which create visibility for women agency owners and executives.
- Increase IIANC membership and leadership in this under-represented group of membership population.
- Develops meaningful and mutually beneficial connections with other women agency owners and executives;
- promotes diversity and inclusion to leverage the strengths of different perspectives, experiences, and talents;
- facilitates innovative ideas and fosters creativity through participation in open and honest discussions;
- offers professional development on relevant topics and career building opportunities;
- provides recognition and acknowledgment of women agency owner and executives’ professional accomplishments;
- allows for a stronger voice for this underserved IIANC membership population;
- and advocates collectively for women agency owners and executives in the insurance industry.